
School Fees 2021-2022 Amount
Student Council (All Students Pay) $30.00
Bussing (RMWB Transit) $51.25 / mo.
Advanced Placement Exam Fee (*Grade 12 only) $175 / per exam
Grad Fees (Fees increase to $275 if paid after Sem 2) $300


The following fees are optional

Math Competition Fee $5.00
First Aid (optional, applicable to some Off Campus programs) &70.00
Musical Instrument Cleaning Fee (if needed) $150.00
High School Sports Team (Tournament Travel; costs will vary) $200.00 +per trip
Westwood Clothing (Optional, costs will vary) $50.00
Study Keys (Optional) $25.00
Calculator Rental $30.00
Various off site filed trips (optional, costs will vary) as required